Peer-reviewed publications

For a full list, follow us on Google Scholar or ResearchGate

Azimi, Z., & Shafaat, A. (2024). Proposing design strategies for contemporary courtyards based on thermal comfort in cold and semi-arid climate zones. Building and Environment266, 112150.

Azimi, Z., Kashfi, S.S., Semiari, A. et al. Outdoor thermal comfort in open transitional spaces with limited greenery in hot summer/cold winter climates. Discov Environ 2, 31 (2024).

Ebrahimi Saryazdi, S. M., Shafaat, A., & Bahman, A. M. (2024). A comprehensive review and sensitivity analysis of the factors affecting the performance of buildings equipped with Variable Refrigerant Flow system in Middle East climates. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews191, 114131.

Etemad, A., Zare, N., Shafaat, A., & Bahman, A. M. (2024). Assessing strategies for retrofitting cooling systems in historical buildings. Energy Reports11, 1503-1516.

Kargar, N., Shafaat, A., & Veiseh, S. (2023). Construction of compressed bricks using carpet waste residues and their reinforcement with stabilizer. Journal of Housing and Rural Environment42(182), 111-124.

‏‏Hosseini, S. A., Fathi, A., Shafaat, A., & Niknam, M. (2023). A computationally inexpensive method to outsource facility maintenance services through the internet in real-time. Journal of Building Engineering76, 107424.

Ebrahimi Saryazdi, S. M., Baba, Y. K., Shafaat, A., & Bahman, A. (2023, November). 8th International Conference on Energy Research & Development. Optimizing HVAC System of Kuwaiti Residential Building Based on Internet of Energy (IoE) Concept.

Zare, N., Saryazdi, S. M. E., Bahman, A. M., Shafaat, A., & Sartipipour, M. (2023). Investigation of heating energy performance gap (EPG) in design and operation stages of residential buildings. Energy and Buildings301, 113747.

Zare, N.,Shafaat, A., & Asadi, S. (2022, September). Review of energy performance gap and solutions in residential buildings. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 1085, No. 1, p. 012013). IOP Publishing. DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/1085/1/012013

Etemad, A., Shafaat, A., & Bahman, A. M. (2022). Data-driven performance analysis of a residential building applying artificial neural network (ANN) and multi-objective genetic algorithm (GA). Building and Environment225, 109633.

Faghihi, V., Peimankar, P., Nazarpour, M. T., & Shafaat, A. (2022). Effects of Contractual Challenges in Building Information Modeling on Successful Implementation. Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, 14(4), 05022003. DOI: 10.1061/ (ASCE)LA.1943-4170.0000554

Ebrahimi Saryazdi, S. M., Shafaat, A., & Bahman, A. M. (2022). Data-driven performance analysis of a residential building applying artificial neural network (ANN) and multi-objective genetic algorithm (GA). Building and Environment, 225, 109633. DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2022.109633

Yadollahi, M., Ebrahimi Saryazdi, S. M., Shafaat, A., & Hafezi, M. (2022). Life cycle cost analysis of near zero energy buildings benefited from earth-sheltering. International Journal of Construction Management, 1-13. DOI: 10.1080/15623599.2022.2085498

Farajnia, A., Shafaat, A., Farajnia, S., Sartipipour, M., & Tirkolaei, H. K. (2022). The efficiency of ureolytic bacteria isolated from historical adobe structures in the production of bio-bricks. Construction and Building Materials317, 125868. DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.125868

Farajnia, A., Shafaat, A., Farajnia, S., & Sartipipour, M. Isolation and identification of ureolytic bacteria and their applications in producing bio-bricks.

Yadollahi, M., Ali Shafaat PhD, P. E., & Mohammadreza Hafezi PhD, P. E. (2019). An algorithm for evaluating energy costs for earth-sheltered buildings. In ASHRAE Topical Conference Proceedings (pp. 209-216). American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers, Inc..